Our lodge bylaws were originally drafted shortly after our lodge was founded in 1950 as a part of Jayhawk Area Council. These rules govern the operation of our lodge and specify the procedures for the leadership of the lodge, compliance with national policies, and how to amend these bylaws if necessary. Underlined portions indicate text that is required by the National Order of the Arrow as stated in the Guide for Officers and Advisors.
- The mission of this lodge is to fulfill the purpose of the Order of the Arrow as an integral part of the Boy Scouts of America through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults.
- As Scouting’s National Honor Society, our purpose is to:[1]
- Recognize those who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and through that recognition cause others to conduct themselves in a way that warrants similar recognition.
- Promote camping, responsible outdoor adventure, and environmental stewardship as essential components of every Scout’s experience, in the unit, year-round, and in summer camp.
- Develop leaders with the willingness, character, spirit, and ability to advance the activities of their units, our Brotherhood, Scouting, and ultimately our nation.
- Crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others.
- The lodge and its rules are intended to follow the policies of the Boy Scouts of America and its National Order of the Arrow. No Lodge Rule, policy, or procedure may deviate from or change in any manner a requirement in the current printing of any of the Order’s literature.
- The Lodge shall be know as: Dzie-Hauk Tonga #429 (DHT #429) Lodge, Jayhawk Area Council No. 197, Boy Scouts of America, and shall be under the supervision of the Council Outdoor Programs Committee and the administrative authority of the Scout Executive.
- The totem of this lodge shall be Dzie-Hauk Tonga (pronounced ZAY Hawk Tonga) and meaning “The Mighty Thunderbird.”
- The Lodge Circle shall be called “Dying Elm Lodge Circle”
- The Lodge shall be divided into as many chapters as recommended by the Lodge Executive Committee, with approval of the Scout Executive. Each chapter shall be under the supervision of the related Chapter Adviser and the District Scout Executive.
- The Lodge Chapter names, and chapter totems are as stated below.[1]
- Shawnee Chapter’s totem is the ___________.
- Oregon Trail Chapter’s totem is the ___________.
- Sojadi Chapter’s totem is the ___________.
- The Lodge pocket flap shall be determined by the Lodge Executive Committee. The LEC may judge what the general membership of the lodge likes best in a matter of the LEC’s choosing.
- The Lodge flap will include the following:
- Lodge Name: “Dzie-Hauk Tonga” OR “Dzie-Hauk Tonga Lodge”
- Lodge Totem: The Thunderbird
- All OA patches must include “BSA” OR the Boy Scout emblem in their design .
- Red Arrow pointing to the wearers right.
- All OA patches must have a “WWW” (without quotes).
[1] The chapter totems are currently under review and will be voted on by the lodge in the near future. After a decision is made this section will be updated to match the decision of the lodge.
- Election to Membership (Ordeal)
- The requirements for membership in this lodge are as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.
- The Procedure for the Ordeal shall be as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Guide to Inductions.
- Elections will be held each year opening up on January 1st. Elections can be held whenever the unit requests but is preferred to have all elections completed before the Spring Fellowship.
- Brotherhood Membership
- Completion of Brotherhood membership shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.
- The cost of the Brotherhood sash shall be paid by the brotherhood candidate.
- The Vigil Honor
- Attainment of the Vigil Honor shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.
- Fees associated with the attainment of the Vigil Honor shall be borne by the lodge.
- The following names of the Vigil Honor shall not be use again in this lodge:
- Don Graves – Shooting Star
- Dr. Meredith – Singing Eagle
- Vigil Honor Nominations will open up at the Fall Fellowship of each year and close at the next meeting of the LEC after Fall Fellowship where the Lodge Chief will form the Vigil Honor Committee. From there the procedure for selection of the Vigil Candidates is as stated in the Guide for Officers and Adviser.
- The Vigil Call Out ceremony will be conducted at the Winter Banquet of each year and the Vigil Ceremony will be conducted no later than the Spring Fellowship of that year.
- Active Membership
- The requirements to retain active membership in the lodge are:
- Remain registered with the Boy Scouts of America in the Jayhawk area Council
- Pay annual dues set by the Lodge Executive Committee. Dues run January 1st through December 31st.
- All members who pay their dues on or before March 31st will receive the “Dues Paid” patch at zero cost. All members who go through their ordeal will receive the “Dues Paid” patch at zero cost. Any other members who pay their dues after the March 31st deadline will have to purchase the “Dues Paid” patch at the cost determined by the LEC.
- Active members are entitled to:
- Vote on official Lodge matters if a youth
- Wear the Lodge Flap
- Run for Lodge Office
- Become Brotherhood Members
- Be considered for the Vigil Honor
- Participate at Lodge functions
- Represent the Lodge at Sectional, Regional, and National Events.
- The requirements to retain active membership in the lodge are:
- The officers of this lodge shall be Lodge Chief, Lodge Vice Chief, Lodge Secretary, and Lodge Treasurer. These elected officers must be younger than 21 during their entire term of office.
- The Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) shall be composed of the elected lodge officers, immediate past lodge chief, lodge operating committee chairman, lodge adviser, one member of the council Outdoor Programs Committee if appointed by the Scout Executive, chapter chiefs, chapter Advisers (where applicable), Scout Executive, and Lodge Staff Adviser.
- Lodge Officers shall be elected at Fall Fellowship following the election process as stated in Article IX: Lodge Officer Election Procedures. The Lodge Chief shall appoint the chairmen for the committees they desire. The terms of all Lodge officers and chairmen shall be from Fall Fellowship to the Fall Fellowship of the following year. That is the day immediately following Fall Fellowship. The current LEC will remain in office for the duration of that Fall Fellowship.
- The Lodge Chief Shall appoint such committees and committee chairmen as may be required from time to time. All committee chairmen must be under twenty-one years of age for the entire duration of their term of office. The Lodge Chief shall develop a list of expectations and details of responsibility and include them in the Yearly Plan Book (See Article VI: Lodge Yearly Plan Book).
- Voting Members of the Lodge Executive Committee shall be all youth members (under the age of 21) of the Lodge Executive Committee except the current Lodge Chief, who only votes in the event of a tie. Youth Members are designated in bold font in Article IV Section 2. The Immediate Past Lodge Chief only votes if they are under the age of 21. In the event of a known absence of a voting member of the LEC, the voting member may designate another chapter officer or committee member to vote on their behalf.
- The Lodge and Staff Advisers shall be appointed by the Scout Executive in consultation with the Chairman of the Council Outdoor Programs Committee. Chapter Advisers shall be recommended by the Lodge adviser and approved by the Scout Executive.
- The following rules shall be used regarding removal from or vacancy in an office or chairman:
- Any officer or chairman can resign with a formal, written, letter to the Lodge Chief, Lodge Adviser, and Staff Adviser. For a Lodge Chief’s resignation, the letter is addressed to the Lodge Vice Chief, Lodge Adviser, and Staff Adviser.
- In the case of the removal of the Lodge Chief from office, or the resignation, the Lodge Vice-Chief shall immediately become the Lodge Chief.
- When there is a vacancy in any other Lodge Office, a special election shall be held at the next official or special meeting of the Lodge to full that vacancy.
- In the case that the position of the Lodge Chief and the Lodge Vice-Chief are simultaneously vacant, a temporary acting chief shall be chosen by the Lodge Executive Committee from its members. The acting Lodge Chief will then carry out the responsibilities of Lodge Chief until an election can be held at the next official or special meeting of the Lodge to elect the new Lodge Chief and Lodge Vice-Chief.
- The terms of all Lodge Officers elected to fill a vacancy shall commence immediately upon election and expire at the next Fall Fellowship.
- Lodge Officers may be removed for due cause with a 2/3 majority vote of the Lodge Executive Committee, and the approval of both the Scout Executive and the Lodge Adviser. The quorum for this vote shall be a simple majority of the voting members present at an official meeting of the LEC.
- The removal of any chairmen can be done with the approval of the Lodge Chief and the Lodge Adviser.
- All LEC meetings shall be governed with simplified Parliamentary Procedures as stated in the Dzie-Hauk Tonga Lodge Rules of Order.
- All votes will be a simple majority vote unless otherwise stated in the bylaws.
- A quorum consists of 1/2 of all LEC members being present. If quorum is not met, voting cannot proceed.
- The Lodge Chief shall act as the Parliamentarian for the meetings, hence the ineligibility to vote as stated in Article 4 Section 5.
- It is the responsibly of the Lodge Chief, with help and advisement from the Lodge Adviser, to write the Dzie-Hauk Tonga Yearly Plan Book.
- The Yearly Plan Book should be published and made available to the Lodge by or at the Winter Banquet in January.
- In the event that the Winter Banquet is canceled or postponed, the Yearly Plan Book should be published no later than January 31st.
- Changes to the Yearly Plan Book Preface shall require a 2/3 vote of the LEC.
- Note: the Preface of the Yearly Plan Book Details the requirements of the Yearly Plan Book.
- Details about the Yearly Plan Book
- The Goals of the Lodge should be developed by the Lodge Officers and Chairmen, ideally at the Lodge Leadership Development.
- The List of Committees, Officer Responsibilities, and Chairmen Responsibilities should be developed by the Lodge Chief no later than 1 month after the Lodge Chief’s election.
- The Yearly Plan Book is a semi-fluid document and is expected to be modified throughout the year. Procedures for changes to the Yearly Plan book are stated in the Yearly Plan Book Preface.
- Arrowmen under the age of 21 who are primarily registered with a unit in this council and whose dues are currently paid in this lodge may vote in matters of lodge business.
- The officer Elections at the annual Fall Fellowship will be organized by either the Lodge Chief or a youth member appointed by the Lodge Chief if the Lodge Chief is running for office. The person conducting the elections cannot be someone running for office.
- Any active youth member of the lodge, who will remain under 21 years of age for the term of office (Fall Fellowship to Fall Fellowship) is eligible to run for any lodge office.
- The Lodge Officers shall be elected in the following order: Lodge Chief, Lodge Vice-Chief, Lodge Secretary, Lodge Treasurer.
- Each chapter will have 10 votes OR if there are less than 10 chapter members present, the number of votes shall equal the number of chapter members present. Not all votes need go to the same candidate nor cast all of their votes.
- To begin each office election, the Lodge Chief or appointed youth member will open the floor for nominations. After a youth member is nominated, a second is required, as well as the nominated member’s acceptance.
- When the person running the elections sees that no more nominations are being made, they will motion to close the floor for nominations. (Someone seconds and the procedure continues.)
- Each candidate will have a moment to speak before the lodge and for the lodge to ask questions to the candidate. During this time, the other candidates will be accompanied out of earshot of the discussion by two lodge adults (per the YPT two-deep rule).
- After each candidate has had a moment to speak, all candidates will go back to their meeting place out of earshot and the chapters will decide their votes.
- After a short time of discussion, the person running the election will ask how each chapter votes and a representative of the chapter will announce to the lodge their votes. The person running the election will tally the votes as they are announced.
- After chapters have cast their votes, the candidates are called back into the room and the person running the election announces the winner to the lodge
- The winner of the vote is whichever candidate has the most votes. In the event of a tie for the winning slot, any other candidates are dropped, and the chapters vote again. This process of dropping candidates is repeated until only one candidate remains. If there is still a voting deadlock and no candidates can be dropped from the race, the election is opened to a popular vote to all active youth members.
- The Coup Tong is to be worn and assembled in accordance with the Coup Thong Guide
- It is recommended to be worn at all Scouting events within the Lodge borders.
- Any amendments to the Coup Thong Guide must be decided by a 2/3 majority vote of the Lodge Executive Committee.
The lodge shall present the Annual Awards at the Winter Banquet of each year. The following lists the annual awards and their requirements.
- Founder’s Award
Founder’s Award is presented to individuals to recognize them for their outstanding service to the lodge. Lodges may present up to four based on lodge membership. If the lodge presents more than one award, one must be to a youth under the age of 21. Although not a requirement, the Founder’s Award is typically presented to people who are already Vigil Honor Members since both show exceptional service to the lodge and Founder’s Award is even more rare. At each Fall Fellowship a meeting will take place to determine the recipients of the Founder’s Award.
- James E. West
The Lodge shall make one donation of $1,000 to the James E. West Foundation on behalf of a lodge member. A committee of adults members shall select the recipient of the award Saturday night of Fall Fellowship.
- Uncus Award
The Uncus Award is a lodge award to recognize those who have shown service to the lodge in the past year. Upon receiving the Uncus Award the first time, they will receive the Uncus Award Lodge Flap with a Red Border. If the recipient receives the Uncus award again, they are presented with the White Bordered patch. The Lodge Chief, Lodge Adviser, and Lodge Staff Adviser will create the list with help from those who they choose.
- Unit of Excellence Award
The Unit of Excellence Award requirements are stated in OA literature.
- Xansati Oshakamink Award
This award is for Ceremonies and American Indian Affairs team members who have shown dedication to either ceremonies or Dance Team. The requirements and other details for this award are listed in the award’s requirement page.
- These rules shall be subject to amendment or revision at any official or special meeting of the Lodge provided the following:
- Such an amendment has been submitted in writing to the Lodge Executive Committee.
- The Lodge Executive Committee, by majority vote, gives the amendment(s) preliminary approval.
- After the amendment(s) have been approved by the LEC, acceptance of these lodge rules shall occur at any regular or special meeting of the whole Lodge provided the following:
- Due notice has been sent to all active members at least thirty days prior to such meeting with details about the amendment(s).
- A two-thirds vote of the membership present shall be required for the amended bylaws to pass.
- After the amended bylaws have been accepted by the Lodge, it shall be ratified by the Council Executive Board before it becomes effective.
- These bylaws shall be reviewed annually at the January LEC.
These Rules of Operation were enacted by the Lodge (April 1958), accepted by the Jayhawk Area Council Executive Board upon recommendation of the Camping Committee January 1959) after the approval of the National Committee of the Order of the Arrow (October 16, 1958).
- Amendments April 23, 1960; April 27, 1964; and September, 1967.
- These Rules of Operation were revised and accepted by the general Lodge membership April 14, 1973, and again on April 17, 1983, Amendments in January, 1984, and December, 1985.
- These amendments were accepted by the Jayhawk Area Council Executive Board in January, 1986. Amended on April 26, 1987.
- These Rules of Operation were approved by the Lodge Executive Council, December 11, 1994, published in the Smoke Signal in the winter of 1994 and Approved by the lodge on January 7, 1995.
- The Rules of Operation were revised and accepted by the Lodge membership April 26, 1998. The Rules of Operation were revised and accepted by the Lodge membership May 3, 2015.
- These bylaws were revised and approved by the Lodge Executive Council in 2021 and approved by the Lodge at the Winter Banquet on January 8, 2022; approved by the Council Executive Board on January 12th, 2022.