Chairman Reports
- American Indian Affairs
- 2 need people are interested in Drum Team
- AIA Meeting, Saturday March 12th from 2-3:30pm, at California Acres Church of Christ
- Andrew is looking into location
Old Business
- Vigil Weekend
- Everything went well
- Liked the Nacho bar idea
- Great weather
New Business
- Elections
- Three troops have requested an Election
- Make an email to send to them that we are forming teams
- Spring Fellowship
- Cost of food is going up
- Decision made to raise General Participant and Brotherhood cost by $5
- Ordeal – $45
- Brotherhood – $35
- General Participant – $30
- Approved the schedule
- Still looking into “Color War”
- Changing the Cracker Barrel style up a little bit
- Friday Night – Nacho Bar
- Saturday Night – More of a desert type of Cracker Barrel
- We will do a “Price is Right” game during Cracker Barrel
- Have made further progress on Patches
- Might have to order a lot
- Over 100 Dozen Burritos were made for the Burrito fundraiser!
- Need one more youth female to attend
- Conclave
- Registration prices go up again on March 15th to $65
- Multiple members are going to sign up this week
- Promotion on social media is going to start this week
- Website
- Two options
- Stay with our webpage on the Council Website
- Go with our own sub domain through CouncilWare
- They charge an $800 set up fee plus $25 a month
- Discussion on long term, who will up keep it, etc.
- LEC voted on our own sub domain through CouncilWare
- Next Vigil Weekend
- Try beginning of April for next year
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