Use this list to help keep track of necessary website updates throughout the year. Ideally, every page will get looked at over the course of the website chairman's term so that no page is ever more than a year out of date.
- After they are announced at Winter Banquet, update Founder's Award, James E. West Award pages under the history page. You can also update and re-upload the Lodge Honors Book. Do NOT update the Vigil Honor page yet as this will be done after the Vigil Honor Weekend.
- Depending on when Vigil Honor Weekend is (may be a different month) update the Vigil Honor Page in both the Lodge Honors Book and the Vigil Honor Page. See website documentation for help on making changes to the Vigil Page.
- Update LEC Page with new Officers and Chairmen
- Update the Letter to Candidates on Elections Resources Page
- Either with new Chief or if the New Chief wrote a new letter, update that.
- Is the OA Store open after Fellowship? If so, add a website banner.
- Put list of people who are Eligible for Vigil on the Vigil Page. Ensure Vigil Nomination Form is Up To Date.
- Ensure the list of chairmen is up to date on the LEC page